On current affairs

On current affairs
The news pelts us daily and thus determines an information picture of world events. It often triggers a feeling of insecurity and creates unease with the question, what is happening here? and what does this bring as a consequence for my life?
We consume floods of information and it often causes uncertainty, who can I believe? Because one fact is always lurking: that we never know exactly what is a lie and what is truth. Not knowing where we stand in life and who we can trust, for our formation of opinions about public events and thus our future. This involuntarily causes frustration, anger and powerlessness. An alien feeling grips us, of being at the mercy of it all and idly facing the unknown, of not being able to comprehend what is happening on the world stage. This makes us afraid. The most normal question one asks oneself as a human being and citizen is, what can I do to either change things? Or to free myself from the queasy feeling of fear of what is happening and escape from what is brewing? How does it all go on - is a common question and thus a constantly resonating reality of our state of mind. We have long since become accustomed to this creeping sense of misery.
We perceive the world as we ultimately believe and endure it based on our perception. Our patterns are fixed and sometimes direct our thoughts and feelings about what is happening more unconsciously than we perceive in our consciousness. In addition, personal characteristics play a big role: how much are we willing to look more closely at things in our personal lives with clarity? As well as on the big outside world around us?
I am convinced: every human being - no matter where he lives - feels very precisely in his deep inner feeling that what is really happening is no longer good. That where we are in this world needs to be remedied. But we adults - and to a large extent also our children - are no longer sufficiently present, due to an enormous distraction program and an unbelievable occupation machine of today's life, to deal sufficiently with the questions of our lives about our origins and the many questions of meaning. It would be elementary to detach ourselves from so much uselessness that prevents us from taking a closer look and thinking about why things are the way they are.
First of all, the time factor and the use of this precious resource is a big issue. With how much uselessness do we waste our life time? The fact in our latitudes, in the world created by all of us, to distinguish between what must and may be, so that it is meaningful and gives me and others in this life a real benefit and serves a positive development. Or what is it necessary to leave out, to give up or to do without? This is truly a challenge! The time pressure we have noticed is and remains the result of too much happening at the same time. It determines our lives every hour, during the week, in the evening, at the weekend and indeed even at night, in restless sleep. Why do we allow this to happen? Why do we do this to ourselves, to be driven, with all the unwanted restrictions and reduction of our quality of life? The loss of inner peace is not good in the long run and affects our psyche, health and well-being.
An important factor in our society today is that we have become highly adapted beings, adapting and submitting to the zeitgeist and all the collective constraints and systems that seem to result from it. The mass conformity, participation and the many habits of living in the mainstream of the times in almost all areas of life is probably an unconscious, firmly anchored conviction with the assumption that this is the right way, generally customary - because everyone does it the same way. This gives us the supposed feeling of group security. But in fact, we are all heteronomous to a high degree and allow it to happen. All too often we say yes - and mean no, because we don't take the necessary time to listen carefully and question things. Sometimes it is no longer we ourselves who make the decisions about our and our children's lives. Other, powerful system providers have predetermined this and already influenced us. In our modern life, systems, products, technologies and much more are created, developments are initiated, made accessible to the masses through systematic infiltration and imposed in a legitimate way, without us ever being asked whether we want this as human beings and citizens. It happens sometimes in a very subtle way what is determined and incorporated by the mass media and global powerful big players. It is cleverly and highly plausibly argued and supported on a broad political level, according to the principle: this is how it has to be, this is how the world needs it and it is urgently needed to make our future more beautiful and safer. The enormous profit drive for new technologies, maximum endless consumption and the unrestrained use of power for more growth at any price: these are the drivers for a gigantic engine in the belief and delusion that only in this way is social life progressive and equipped for a happy future.
But the zenith of our existences has long been passed without a reversal and reorganisation by those in charge of ruling politics, science and corporations. The strategically created globalisation in the delusion of boundless international growth and an inexhaustible world of having all goods for all ultimately shows itself in a lawfully functioning momentum of these market systems. In this process of growth, the financial means and assets fall to the already super-rich, giving the powerful even greater power and enabling them to continue to rule and determine on their own. This has created a further development of gaining immeasurable financial power advantages with the consequence of increasing global control and independent centres of sole decision-making monopolisation. This is a real danger to democracy and the freedom of every human being and their personal rights.
The fact that the global imbalance between rich and poor or North and South is tipping even further apart remains largely unnoticed and does not lead to any real rethinking on the part of those responsible. On the contrary, people recklessly accept that this turbo-capitalism leads to immeasurable economic damage in many parts of the world and countries. At the expense of entire peoples, social systems, with the destruction of people's and families' livelihoods. Social unrest is the result.
There is a lack of serious intent to achieve a broad political and public social will with the common goal of a turnaround. Individual voices of competent personalities worldwide sound like a call in the desert. It falls silent and has no influence.
The ruthlessness towards the underdeveloped countries and the fact that poverty, hunger and misery as well as mortality are increasing and that these people are constantly being left further behind by the rich world is an inhuman arrogance by the insatiable ego of all these machinations and the ruling economic and financial systems. In the future, continents such as Europe or the USA, to take two examples, will therefore have to seal themselves off more and more from a security point of view against the stream of people who are also claiming a slice of the big cake of the rich countries and are fleeing to us in an enlightened way via the internet and mobile phones - whatever the cost! A growing conflict with ominous challenges.
But here and there, resentment is spreading among us humans. New movements are emerging because people and citizens in many countries are noticing and taking notice: something is going wrong, we want to change something, we need a change of direction! But how and by whom, or with what measures should changes be initiated, if access to the powerful, far-away control centres is not even possible for the individual?
In view of the world situation I have described, I would like to ask the central question for all of us:
In view of the facts in this complex and multi-layered global world with all its variously different states of interests, is it at all possible to change anything? How is it feasible, with the many fundamentally opposing cultural and religious groupings of regimes and people, where everyone is networked with everyone else, to achieve a renewal and a total change to a new Earth existence for all out of economic wars and military build-ups, bloody wars and the struggle for economic supremacy, the increasing injustice and discrimination of people and a mass organised plundering and exploitation of the Earth?
Another question arises, what will happen to all of us if no solution is in sight and the change of course is not made possible in time?
In order to approach trying to answer this, we should look at and consider some important questions about ourselves and existing realisations of our humanity:
- The mess -to put it casually- is big and not regionally limited but worldwide. We are therefore justified in talking about the question of whether the survival and existence of humanity is still possible. Because in view of our starting position: who seriously believes that things will somehow work out again - as is so often the case in life - and everything will be fine?
- How many people see things in the light of ruthless reality, without deluding themselves, and are prepared to actively participate in creating a change together?
- How do you personally see it, as a reader of these lines? Here and now, everyone should start to give themselves the answers.
- Our view of things is crucial.
To do this, we first need the most objective, comprehensive knowledge of the situation possible through background knowledge and common sense. No information from the manipulated mainstream and uniform mush of the media.
It takes courage to get involved in something, with an open mind for new things.
It takes a good portion of will to want to change things and trust as a source of strength for active action with the goal of a new future worth living.
- It is also a duty to search for the causes as a really important task for every human being. Why is humanity where we are and what led to the problem complexes of our time? Nothing happens overnight. Everything has already had a long way to go and can be followed critically. Therefore, the question now honestly arises for people:
How could it come to this?
- The time of watching, or rather looking the other way, is now no longer possible. No more pretence that it is not the individual's problem but that others should fix it. The prosperity in the comfort zone was all too deceptive. Resting on what one owns or claiming benefits that ensure a good life all the time as well as socially guaranteed prosperity for the rest of one's life - that is over. The attitude of retreating to one's personal sphere of life just because one has it safe and comfortable and can thus let things go - that no longer works.
- Passively consuming the horror stories about foreign, distant wars, the misery in the world, hunger and all the ills: passively, because it doesn't directly affect you - is no longer possible. The real shadow, not to say the enemy, is in our midst and lurking at our own doorstep. We must truly give up and overcome our old habits, sleepiness and lethargy. The old saying and misconception at the same time that everything is at peace and there is no danger must no longer blind us. It is a fundamental misbelief and more than ever due to be discarded. There is no time to lose. We are on the brink of a turning point!
- What we must realise is that, with all due respect, there is no human being as a leader and personality, no matter how highly qualified, razor-sharp and equipped with absolute superintelligence, who can initiate the royal road to the general solution for the good of all of us, to show us all a new path and lead us into a new age. In other words, such a quantum leap of such an enormous lever of power is simply not possible and feasible on a human level. The dimensions of the imbalances and opposites are too massive.
- The upheaval towards a turning point is inevitable. Lazy compromises are no longer tenable and are breaking down as unsustainable and permanent. Untruths must come unconditionally to light. Life lies can no longer remain hidden. Everything that was insincere and false will become visible. The darkness of time must ultimately turn to the light of clarity and truth.
Under the circumstances described above, the question arises: how could the world situation develop further, with what consequences for our very personal lives, if everything remains and continues like this without effective powerful intervention from another side?
At this point it should be said that it is not about describing a spectre of the end of the world. It is about the sober observation of a logical process of disastrous consequences that naturally arise from disregarding the fundamental laws of our life in the universe. The disregard and violation of rules caused by ego and greed against all our humanity and against our earth, - with the originally wonderfully ordered and functioning living conditions - are now the effect and consequence in the visible results and problems.
The dwindling respect and the caused destruction of creation and human life need not surprise anyone when the living conditions turn from positive to negative according to the law and are directed against us. The principle of sowing and reaping is an ancient law of life and is therefore irrevocably anchored in the universe. If decisions against the well-being of the other are only determined by the purpose of ego advantage, the healthy, peaceful togetherness will increasingly drift apart through ignorance of this, and ultimately collapse. Everything we have ever found and received on our planet was originally a magnificent gift of life from the universe. The original order was: the earth and everything that exists on it is a good entrusted to you, the human being. With this, we were given an infinite amount of good, with a great responsibility for all of us, with a deep underlying existential meaning of life. We may reap from it, receive and allow ourselves to help ourselves and take in abundance. The only legally binding condition of this deal between the universe and human beings was that we give an account to the giver of what we have meaningfully made of what we have been entrusted with. Or not. The infinite freedom to create with our free will is an unimaginable wealth with enormous potential as a creative instrument to determine and shape our lives. Knowing full well: for a blessing or a curse. Both are possible. Accordingly, our behaviour, every decision, our world of thought and the intentions behind it, indeed our entire free will, always leads to a certain goal and corresponding results. Our thinking action is the result of what is.
From this knowledge it must be deduced at this point that the greater the number of groups of people or masses are active through certain similarly directed thinking and acting, shaped and manipulated by the omnipresent zeitgeist through powerful influences and opinion makers and their overpowering control centres, people can be abused in their free will and made usable.
If people now unconsciously or intentionally join an intended mass-organised thought system and mindset and share and, so to speak, carry the content, correspondingly powerful mental energy waves up to and including mental tsunamis can inevitably arise and thus collectively manifest and materialise. This means: the created medial machines can thus make use of collectively created human strategies and thus channel huge currents. This is for the purpose of achieving certain intended goals. The development and use of technological instruments of mass suggestion and manipulation of others comes from those who want to change the world in order to claim control over everything and everyone for their own selfish purposes and interests.
Given the way the world has developed and been built by human hands, the increasingly growing difficulties have become so massive that they are practically directed against any peaceful and humane existence. Therefore, the core question of our being today is addressed to us: what must happen now?
This path of life for all of us on this planet leads inexorably -by alien beings of certain powerful structures- into abysses of conflict through armed wars, but also economic wars with globally most modern manipulating weapons and technologies, in order to deliberately damage and destroy economic systems and thus the lives of people and families without restraint. The intelligence of mass communication media used in this way creates an incredible potential of enemy images and enemy words and can no longer be eradicated or sanctioned by our legal systems.
The future living conditions of all of us - and especially of our children - are leading to a very painful life for us, physically and psychologically with unimaginable levels of hardship and violence, but also massive restrictions on our rights and freedoms.
We must act!
Let us remember what we started out for. To be born on this earth in order to do something decent and sensible for ourselves and others from this life we have received. To leave a mark that could create something good. To make a contribution that makes the world a better place and to hand over a sustainable, genuine, liveable foundation for the inhabitants who come after us, and to do so with a clear conscience. Everyone can still do this in their radius of personal life today, but for how much longer?
Let us continue to remember where we came from. The wonderful life pulsating within us, made by no science. The light of the sun as the power source of our whole existence, irreplaceable by human ability. The diversity of a healthy creation for all joy is the expression of an infinitely working omnipresent spiritual power, which means well with us and serves only the purpose of giving life and multiplying it in blessing.
The free breathing of air in the fullness of availability to be permanently charged with the oxygen to stay and live.
All our awareness of the real root of our being - where has it gone?
Why and above all when did we lose it or forget it? Somewhere it has fallen into oblivion, buried and suffocated under the overpowering materialism of our time.
Why do we have such a hard time with the fact that there is something that is obviously above us, watching over us, more powerful than ourselves? An existence that is more significant and greater than our own ME. This is the crucial point and the threshold where our mind stops us through doubt. The beginning of the doubting mind, which is at odds with every human heart and innate feeling. Yet it is clear that the divine spark is what is alive and pulsating in us, incessantly available, present in everyone and everything. In man, animal and everything that is. This power is therefore not above us, but rather within us. IT works within us and can creatively create and shape so much that is powerful, new and useful.
Let us remember and wake up to a new awareness of who we are. Become newly aware in spirit of who we are and what we are: namely a creature, a human being. Born to receive, but also to learn, to develop and in turn to give and serve, with our gifts and our individual abilities. Life's opportunities to learn from mistakes are infinitely varied, but not infinite in time. So now comes the urgent admonition from the high spirit to all of us.
To go back and turn the corner, to remember anew the root of our lives. Whoever does this allows an enlightenment to happen within themselves and thus becomes a lighthouse in the turning of the times that is about to happen for you and others. What this triggers cannot be guessed.
It is the solution to a turning point. For the supreme spirit, called the universe or simply God, in his universal intelligence, has provided means and solutions in a mysterious way that are incomprehensible to the human mind, in order to provide for the well-being of human beings and to bring about unimaginable changes out of impossible and hopeless chaos and fears of life.
However, there is one catch: our free will is given and unconditionally respected. We are therefore dependent on ourselves in our responsibility in life with the question: what do we really want?
Thus, it is our absolutely free choice to make a decision or not, without any intervention of a higher authority.
If you, dear reader, share the view of current affairs at this point, then there are a few choices of one's own actions about the future of your life and the lives of others.
1. you can first leave everything in hope: Yes, things do need to change, but I believe in the good in people, that in a general sense, through human willpower and reason, improvement will come and things will stabilise overall.
2. I draw my consequences by moving to another country (emigration) and hope to be far away from everything and no longer be affected by what is feared as crash and disasters in the current latitudes of my life.
3. I examine my life so far and ask myself what I can possibly gain, perhaps more authentically than before, my hitherto superficial relationship or what never really existed, now even to build up a completely new relationship and to turn to the divine instance?
Everyone is free to look honestly into themselves, to listen and feel and to enter into dialogue with the High Spirit in their own language. To be allowed to say and present everything is a new attitude towards life and creates a feeling of security and joy. To suddenly realise that there is something else that is always ready and listening - and also understands. So it's all about the one thing. The all elementary and vital thing is to decide exclusively in the heart - without ifs and buts - and to consciously do this inner process as setting the course for the future life. The divine principle is: He who sincerely seeks finds. He who asks sincerely gets an answer. This communication is worthwhile and spending time on it is extremely valuable. The capital to be used by everyone is trust and faith in the primordial source of power that is inaccessible to the intellect. The more people reflect and contemplate and re-establish this bridge to the universe and thus trigger a new movement as like-minded people, the more they can move great things. This brings light into the world and it takes a lot of it to initiate a new era out of the darkness with such a wave of power from divine activity. Let us let IT work in us and create through this connection in the network of the universe, to make the impossible possible for the good of all, worldwide.
With best wishes
Your Wolfgang Foerg